Saturday, October 11, 2008

Obama's Voodoo Economics

Voodoo Economics All Over Again
In our not too distant past the phrase "voodoo economics" was coined to describe an economic policy that was scary and illogical at best. It has been said that history often repeats itself and this is absolutely the case with what Senator Obama is offering as his economic policy.
As we have watched our 401 K’s and other retirement funds melt away in the harsh glare of financial mismanagement in the board rooms of major financial institutions; as high energy costs eat away at our budgets; as thousands and thousands of Americans lose their jobs with business slowly grinding almost to a halt and subsequently as tax revenues to our local, state and national governments plummet Senator Obama has a plan to save us all. Consider some of the "voodoo" that Obama is preaching.
First of all Obama has an obsession with creating a national health care program that will somehow be much better than the Medicare system that now exists. Any details as to how his program would be any better than the admittedly inadequate Medicare program are interestingly absent. All we know for sure is that the money for this new and assuredly better program would come from our shrinking bank accounts.
Secondly Obabma would invest billions of dollars in developing new technology for energy production. We wouldn’t see any new energy production from those new resources for decades but in the meantime he doesn’t seem interested in drilling for the oil and gas resources that we currently have right off shore or in using the vast coal reserves that exist all over the country. That energy could be available in two to five years. But Obama would rather continue paying billions of dollars every month for oil and natural gas from other countries. No wonder we are having an economic crisis. Why not work to keep the money here? But that is all part of the confusion of Obama’s voodoo economics.
I’ve saved the best for last. Part of Obama’s voodoo economic plan includes giving 95% of all Americans a tax cut. Keep in mind that about 40% of American families do not pay income tax. His plan is to take more tax money from those who do pay taxes and give it to those who do not. So if I get this right about 55% of American taxpayers will get both a tax cut and an increase in their taxes so that the 40% will have more money. Hmmm. Does this sound at all like the income redistribution of socialism? Is it just happenstance that this concept is a favorite theme of the democrats?
Does anyone remember the absolute failure of the national welfare program that was the highlight of the President Lyndon Baines Johnson administration? We ended that multibillion dollar disaster because it wasn’t working. All it did was create generations of people who became dependent on their monthly government handout. Do we really want to revisit that welfare debacle? Obama may call it something else but if something smells like a skunk it usually is.
And how does Obama plan to pay for all this largesse and to get the economy back on track? He plans to get additional taxes from the 5% that represent the wealthy but most will come, according to Obama’s plan, from additional taxes on small and large scale businesses who are already drowning in a sea of financial uncertainty. Does this seem like a viable plan? Common sense says no, but wait, all we are asked to do is believe and vote for Obama. Do you believe in voodoo?

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